Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Surviving our First Day Alone

Abby and I survived our first day alone yesterday and I even got to take a shower. We are slowly getting into a groove. I wouldn't say that we have a routine per say. Abby still makes her own schedule and she is still sleeping a lot. It is odd, she tends to sleep longer stretches and can go nearly four hours between feedings during the day. Not so much at night. Last night she was up every 2 hours on the dot. Which really means that I get about an hour and half of sleep at a time.

Right now she is sleeping in her Boppy on the coach. She ate last at 9:30 am (it is 1:07pm) so I'm just biding my time until she wakes up screaming.

The two pictures below are from this morning. I love that she is more aware of her surroundings each day!

A friend of our lent us her swing, which Abby loves, more so a different times of the day than others. Any whoo, she has recently discovered the bear mobile and spends most of her time looking up at them. I would think that it would hurt her neck, but she doesn't seem to mind.

1 comment:

Ellen said...

Glad you survived your first day after Micah went back to work. She gets cuter everyday. Can't wait to see you all again!