Tuesday, May 26, 2009

I'm still here

Life has been crazy and like my Aunt just wrote on her blog, I too have not abandoned my blog, it just seems that life has gotten in the way. I have tons of pictures and I swear, on my way to work, I think of at least 2-3 things to blog about. But by the time I get leave work, pick up Abs, get home, feed Reese, play with Abby, start dinner, change Abby, eat dinner, play with Abby some more, bath the Abster and then help Micah put her to bed after her bottle... I'm exhausted.

We've been busy and it appears the summer is shaping up to be just as busy. So here, for those you haven't heard, is what we've been up to. Over Mother's Day weekend, Abby and I headed up to NYC on the train to spend time in the Big Apple with Mom (Savta). We stayed at the Waldorf Astoria, which oddly enough doesn't have an elevator in the entrance lobby. We had a blast. We shopped and ate our way through the city. Abby made her first visit to Canal Street looking for knock of bags and then rewarded herself with a corned beef sandwich at The Stage Deli. Well okay, she didn't eat, but Mom and I sure did. Thank goodness we walked nearly the five miles from the hotel to Canal Street.

On Sunday, (Mother's Day) Abs and I headed back to Baltimore and arrived just in time to get cleaned up and head out to dinner with Bubbie and Zayde... oh and Ashley and Josh came up to. We went to the Wine Market in Federal Hill... great place, will have to go back again.

The following weekend was Ashley's bridal shower in Harrisburg. I had spent a lot of time planning it, and it was nice to see everything come together. I think Ashley enjoyed herself
In between all of this, we painted the sitting room off the kitchen. It came out really well. I'll try to take some pictures soon. Oh yeah, Micah had a nasty stomach flu in the meantime... and I'm telling you that almost put me over the edge... it was like having two babies.

Last weekend, we headed to that lake for the holiday. We were so lucky and had great weather the entire weekend. It was 79 degrees and sunny. Beautiful! Abby went on her first boat ride and loved it. She isn't really a fan of the PFD, but the rocking of the boat put her right to sleep both times. Ah, my little water baby.

And rest of the summer is pretty much like the last four weekends. All three of us are off to St. Louis on June 13 (I'm going for work, Abby and Micah are playing) and we are home for a day until Micah and I head off to London. Abby is staying home with Savta. Then we have a Bar Mitvah and a few weekends at the lake, a long weekend in NH/ME in July, a Red Sox/O's game, a wedding in August and Ashley's wedding on Labor Day weekend. Add in a few summer festivals that I have staff for work and I think Fall will be here before I know it. Does time ever slow down??
Okay - I'm done with my month long update. Here are some pictures as your reward!

Hey look at this toy... looks some different sitting up.

Did you know that I have feet?

All smiles sitting on Dad's lap. I think it was Bubbie make me laugh!

This toy looks interesting.

Hanging out on my tummy.


Cyndi said...

Glad to see what you have been up to and obviously I can relate. I found once we had kids time flies.
Abby is as adorable as ever and I can't wait to see you guys in July.

FMD said...

Jen she is absolutely adorable! It sounds like things are going well for you and Abby is quite the traveler, that's awesome! Hope all is well!

KT said...

Thanks for the update! No big surprise that you are uber busy...that's how we roll, right? I'm counting down until your visit in July. I really miss you and it will be wonderful to meet Abby.