Friday, November 13, 2009


Can you believe the technology these days? Last night I posted to this blog by sending a text message from my phone. Tonight I'm posting from my email account (again from my phone). I'm in love!!!!

I'm also addicted to the iPhone. There is so much cool stuff to play with. I can play games, check my email, use facebook and even update my twitter account ( yes, I have a Twitter account. I've posted twice
and gave something 10 followers. They must be waiting with baited breath for me to update.)

With all these cool devices, I feel that I might be too connected. Do people really care what I'm doing right now? Do they always need to know what my status is? Is what I ate for breakfast that exiciting that someone might want to know how it taste?

I think for the first time, technology has surpassed my interest.

Guess I'm off to tweet about tweeting.....

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