Tuesday, May 27, 2008

PB&J and chicken and rice casseroles

It is that time of the month when I scour the pantry looking for something to eat. Mostly it results in some sort of casserole. I always seem to have rice, pasta, cream of something soup and frozen vegtables. My husband hates this time of the month and typically has a serving of the one-pot casserole only to have a PB&J for dessert.

We probably could avoid this time of the month if we went food shopping more than once every four weeks, but we don't. And I don't know why. We typically go food shopping at the local Wegmans. (If you've never been to Wegmans, it is like Disneyland for foodies.) And because the store is about 25 minutes away, we seem to only go once a month. I do, however, make the occasional stop at the local grocery store to pick up the items I've forgotten to purchase at Wegmans or things we've run out of (mostly bread, soda and milk). Even with those stops, I still can't seem to avoid casserole week.

So we've made plans to go food shopping on Saturday. Let's just hope we don't run out of peanut butter before then.


Busted said...

Thanks for commenting on my blog - I'm such a fan of NaComLeavMo.

You sound pretty impressive in the kitchen if you can create a meal out of random things in the kitchen! We always end up with chinese delivery, haha.

Naomi said...

I can make a heck of a meal out of random leftover things, but I don't even know what a casserole is! All my mid-west friends talk about them like it's a normal, everyday kinda meal... Nothing wrong w/ a good ol' pb&j...ever try out PB Loco? Love the new entertainment center, btw.

♥.Trish.♥ Drumboys said...

I here from NaComLeavCom
Wedmans sounds divine.
My husband is not a fan of casseroles and rissotto etc either when our pantry runs low.
Oh I am so hungry for a good casserole right now.
Veyr cold today in Australia.

My Little Drummer boys

KT said...

*LOL* I'm with Micah...PB&J is my best friend...but it's not because there's no food in the house...it's because it's all junk food (as you know!) If there was such a thing as a Chips, Cookies & Poptarts casserole, I'd be all over that (and probably weigh nine million pounds too!) You will be overjoyed to hear that I made cupcakes the other day...YES, I BAKED:P

Pink Pixel Princess said...

When you have teenagers they are worse than husbands. The nose goes up and the casserole ends up lasting all week... by the second day I can't eat it either.
It is sad that casseroles aren't move loved by family members, it helps the Momma get a meal on the table and few dishes to clean.

Cyndi said...

Now that it is summer I always keep hamburgers, hot dogs, chicken sausages, buns and pasta salad on hand for nights I don't feel like cooking a "real" meal. This is usually several days a week! I don't like cooking inside in the summer!
As long as you have lots of PB when we come to visit, Becca will be all set!

MsPrufrock said...

Here via NCLM, lured in by the mention of PB&J. I have to say my default would almost always be PB&J, as I'm no good making much of anything from ingredients just hanging out in the pantry. Colour me jealous.

Eliza said...

My husband won't eat anything in casserole form...seems to be a man thing...not a fan of quiche either. Perhaps it's a y-chromosome-related phenomenon? Or maybe their palates are uncultured, like those of small children. Hmm...

loribeth said...

Thanks for visiting my blog! I'm big on casseroles too, although not so much PB&J.

Beth A. said...

I guess I'm lucky that my husband actually likes casseroles like that, because they comprise a good deal of my cooking. :)

I need to check out Wegmans one of these days - our closest one is about 20 miles away and there's a Trader Joe's much closer that I usually go to, but I keep hearing such good things about Wegmans that I think it might be worth the trip.

Kristine said...

I love Wegmans! We are so lucky that one opened up about a year ago just ten minutes from us. Unfortunatley I go way too often and spend too much money when I do.

Anonymous said...

Here from NCLM....

Wow - how do you do that?

We're about to leave NYC for Nashville and I'm already freaking out about not being able to walk down the block to buy a stick of butter when I've forgotten it (which I do frequently). Actually we have the bulk of our groceries delivered so the thought of having to DRIVE to a grocery store terrifies me.

You think I might have been living in the big city a little too long?? LOL!!!!

momofonefornow said...


I hate grocery shopping. I wish I could get away with only once a month. I think that is a skill.

Panamahat said...

Ah yes. I know that well. Mine often turns into a stir fry, or soup if I am game (DH is not a big fan of soup).

Dropping by from NCLM. Love the pics of your house and garden :-)

Anonymous said...

Ahhh the month end casserole. We tended to do this a lot more in the UK but for us it either ends up as a tuna pasta bake or a stew in the winter.

We're trying to do 2 big shops a month now but I also feel like I was *just* at the grocery store!