Sunday, March 25, 2007

Guilty Pleasures

Is it sad that I get excited when Soapnet runs a 90210 marathon?

We all have them, something we keep secret, silently ashamed to admit... guilty pleasures. I love Beverly Hills - the show that this. I've never been be in the actually zip code. As a 26-year-old, a part of my brain knows that it is just a silly, oversexed teenage drama, but the other part is addicted to it like some are to smutty grocery store romances. I can't help it.

I use to blame it on the fact that I didn't have cable growing up, but I think that excuse doesn't stands up anymore. I've seen the entire series so many times that I when exactly Kelly was caught in a fire, shot and then held at gunpoint or who Donna finally lost her virginity to or who shot Dylan's wife.

I don't know what it is about the show that draws me in? Maybe it is the high-fashion or intriguing plot lines (hehe), but whatever it is, you know where to find be between 5-7pm Monday - Friday -- watching reruns on Soapnet.


Anonymous said...

That is kind of pathetic, don't you think?

I think its time to get a new favorite show.

Jennifer said...

If you have nothing nice to post, please don't post. Thanks.

Cyndi said...

I prefer Melrose Place myself.
Anyway I love watching re-runs of shows that I loved. Especially since there is nothing good to watch on regular tv. I just realized that the sci-fi channel has x-files in syndication. Now that is one of my favorite shows of all time! I also love having DVR so I can record and watch when the girls are in bed!

Pink Pixel Princess said...

Jen I'm right there with you. I have been a die hard General Hospital fan, watching it with my grandmother when I was in 3rd grade!!! This november I loved that GH did the whole Luke and Laura thing. I watchi it on Soapnet upstairs when Kaitlyn is taking abath.. its my hour of escape ;)

Anonymous said...

Ok girls,don't fight!
Just keep blogging.